Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Home from Mexico!

Home from Mexico [Update from the Walkers!]

Jody returned home this past Saturday from a short visit to Mexico. In Puebla, Mexico, there is a small community of believers that live together and help shoulder each other's burdens. It is called La Aldea (The Village). It is Jason Fitzpatrick's dream to start dozens of "villages" all throughout Mexico; communities of believers that are discipling each other and preaching the gospel, all the while meeting each other's needs through enterprise and hard work and rescuing precious children that are being trafficked or abused.
Jason and Nicole's passion and love for the people is contagious. They've invested well over 2 decades of their lives ministering throughout Mexico, and they have plenty of fruit to show for it all.

Jody with Jason and Nicole Fitzpatrick

Jason is an entrepeneur and strongly desires The Village to become self-sustaining, not breeding a mentality of dependance on the USA amongst the Mexican church. Recently, we've been working together to start up a tilapia farm. Many of the tanks are nearing completion. The believers at The Village will use the tilapia for food and to sell, using that income to meet their needs and rescue more abused children.

Jody with 4 of the 6 national missionaries he supports in Mexico through Heaven's Family's National Missionary Fund

Meet Fatima and her friends

2-year-old Fatima
Fatima—one of the newest arrivals at The Village—is absolutely gorgeous, but her short life has been filled with great ugliness. She, along with her young unwed mother, had spent over two days hiding in a field, trying to escape from Fatima's father who was trying to beat them senseless in his drunken stupor. Fatima was beaten often and mercilessly with sticks by her drunken dad. Crouching in the field for over two days, they watched as Fatima's father finally passed out from exhaustion, giving them an oppourtunity to flee for their lives. Through word-of-mouth, they found refuge, a new family and the love of Jesus at The Village.
Fatima, just like her new friends below, all come from backgrounds that would make your stomach churn for days. A handful of the children are orphans and were "rented" out by their perverse relatives as sex toys. Those that do have living parents often have prostitutes as mothers and abusive drunkards for fathers along with drug-dealing gangsters as brothers. From a very young age, they are raped, beaten, starved, taught to steal, drink and do drugs. One young boy I met at The Village was a drunk at only 8 years old. He was often found in a field beaten and passed out.

6 of the 33 precious children living at The Village that are now happy, healthy and loving Jesus
Thankfully, though, their stories don't end there. Thank God that wherever there are atrocities and injustices, there are also saints on the frontlines fighting back against the wickedness. In partnership with the Fitzpatricks, Elisabeth is able to help support each of these kids with $40/month, covering their daily needs through Orphan's Tear.
Jason and Nicole have gotten in the ring and bloodied their fists fighting great evils throughout Mexico. They've rescued dozens of children from being trafficked, planted many house churches and have made numerous disciples. I pray the Lord would set our hearts ablaze so that we would not sit idly by but link arms with each other and join in the battle for redemption, whether in our own communities or in places like Mexico.
Thank you for your continued prayers and support. You're such a blessing.
Together with you in Christ,
Jody, Elisabeth and Jonathan

P.S. Jonathan's growing nonstop. He got his first 2 teeth a few weeks ago!

If you're interested in joining our support team or making a contribution to our ministry (all of our support goes to help cover our salaries and trip expenses at Heaven's Family), please email us or give online by clicking here. Thanks so much.

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