Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Jugglers for Jesus

Mark preaching to the crowd
Don't go thinking that because the title is about jugglers that I can in anyway juggle. I am the worst juggler of all time. So, when you see me don't say "Hey Elisabeth, I saw the title of your last blog post! Can you juggle for me please??". I will refuse. 

So, anyways... I went witnessing this past Saturday night. We ran into a couple there and their two sons were jugglers. They asked if they could draw a crowd for us to be able to preach to. We of course accepted their offer. They drew a crowd of probably 100-150 people!

Mark preached and the majority of the crowd stayed to listen! Then afterwards about 6 people decided they wanted to give their life to Christ. We did it that way twice and both times people came forward to give their life to Christ. It was an amazing night. 

God can even use jugglers to further His kingdom! We were so grateful for them. 

1 Corinthians 1:27 - But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame thethings which are mighty

Monday, July 18, 2011

Church with Drunkards

The homes of the drunkards
The rain started to pour but that didn't stop the church service that was going to happen. About 20 people came to this service. All of them, except the ones from our team, were drunk or high or high and drunk. A few were even sniffing glue during the worship songs. 

We were among the absolute most destitute last night. These people are constantly drunk and high. They all lived under makeshift homes made out of tattered tarps. They were so sold out to their sin, they preferred living in these conditions rather than giving up their lifestyle and surrendering their lives to Jesus. 

Yet, Jesus still loves them and is still trying to reach them. Most would think our team is crazy for even trying to reach these people. Not only was it pouring rain, not only was there human excrement on the floor, but the likelihood of these people even remembering anything from the service in the morning, was slim. 

I was blown away last night by how much Jesus loves and cares for these people. One of the drunkards was only wearing a thin t-shirt and was going to be sleeping outside that night. One of the members of our team gave him the jacket off of his back so he could be warm. Hugs were given all around. People talked and prayed together. It was a blessing to watch Christ's body moving about to reach these people for the gospel. 

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Such a great cost!

Mark talking with Johnny
Because my Spanish witnessing vocabulary is pretty rusty, Mark kind enough to translate for me. We went up to a group of about 8 teenagers to share the gospel with them. By the end, only 1 remained. Johnny was his name. Throughout the conversation, Johnny had thrown out objections to the gospel. He would say he didn't believe in Hell. His friends would laugh and also throw out objections. But God was convicting him of his sin and by the end of the conversation, Johnny had tears streaming down his face. He stayed long after all his friends had left him. He also began to confess an addiction to marijuana. 

As we continued to talk with him, he started to realize how much it was going to cost him to give over his life to Christ. He kept repeating "It is a great cost". It was so refreshing to see someone understand the gospel and realize that to follow Jesus is going to cost a lot. He saw his friends had already left him just because he continued to talk to us. He realized that if he was to give his life to Christ that he would become an outcast among them. It was going to cost him a lot. 

Please pray for Johnny that he would come to the revelation of how Christ is worth any cost and that he would repent of his sins and put his trust in Him. 

Matt 16:26 For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?

Friday, July 8, 2011

Failure on Day 1

My number one goal for while I am here in Guatemala, other than learning Spanish, is to spend more time alone with God. I am giving my early morning jet-lag a purpose and use it to spend time in prayer and reading the word.

Day 1

I wake up at 5:30am and open my computer. Instantly I was convicted. Instead of starting my day by spending it with Him, I wanted to check my emails. After going through my emails, I shut down my computer and opened up the word.

I couldn't believe that on my very first day that I had failed! While I did have some good quiet time with the Lord afterwards, He mostly was showing me how He needs to be first. I had made a commitment to spend time with Him. By me opening my computer, I was essentially telling the creator of the universe to wait because my emails were more important.

I am determined to put Him first in my life. I am so grateful for second chances. I am looking forward to day 2.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

On my way!

I sure do miss him!
It has been a while since I last blogged. God hasn't stopped working in my life though.

I am heading back to Guatemala for another 3 month venture. I am super excited to see what God is going to do during this time. I am hoping to perfect my Spanish while I am there. I also brought lots of tracts with me to hopefully be able to share the gospel with people. People are so much more receptive there towards the gospel.

Please keep me in your prayers while I am in Guatemala. Pray that I would stay focused on learning Spanish and on being able to minister to everyone around me.

Thanks so much!

Oh, and I started this new blog since I am turning 20 in a couple weeks. I wouldn't be able to keep the name "Controversial Teenager" since I will no longer be a teen.