Friday, July 8, 2011

Failure on Day 1

My number one goal for while I am here in Guatemala, other than learning Spanish, is to spend more time alone with God. I am giving my early morning jet-lag a purpose and use it to spend time in prayer and reading the word.

Day 1

I wake up at 5:30am and open my computer. Instantly I was convicted. Instead of starting my day by spending it with Him, I wanted to check my emails. After going through my emails, I shut down my computer and opened up the word.

I couldn't believe that on my very first day that I had failed! While I did have some good quiet time with the Lord afterwards, He mostly was showing me how He needs to be first. I had made a commitment to spend time with Him. By me opening my computer, I was essentially telling the creator of the universe to wait because my emails were more important.

I am determined to put Him first in my life. I am so grateful for second chances. I am looking forward to day 2.


  1. You are so hard on yourself. I am sure our Lord understands. Your heart to please Him is so pure!

  2. I've done that, too. And yet, sometimes the later Bible study becomes much longer and more profitable, extending through a greater portion of the day and bringing greater insights. I think God wants our hearts, early, late and all in between, even on the computer.
    And now that I LIVE alone with God, I feel that everything I do is with Him, whether it's dishes or gardening or feeding the birds or changing the baby.
    The Lord bless your time in are an amazing young woman!

  3. Amen. I love this.

    And I don't care what your sister says (according to her recent fb album). YOU are the queen of the self-timer! lol.. you made this look so nonchalant and easy.
